Tag: Tureks Tavern
Meetings this week and other things + update | Lisa Turek – Email Blast
Good afternoon! I hope you had a nice weekend! There are a couple of meetings this week and I attended the school assess...
Meeting Notes and other things | 03-17-2023 | Lisa Turek – Email Blast
Good afternoon! I missed the school board meeting on Monday evening. However, I did get an invitation from Dan O'Con...
Meeting Notes and other things | Lisa Turek – Email Blast
Good afternoon! I have been a little behind on my meeting notes and reminders. There are no meetings this week.
The c...
County Commissioner and Mikado Township special meeting | Lisa Turek – Email Blast
Good morning! I hope you have no plans this winter weekend and have decided to hibernate like the rest of nature. :)
Lincoln Planning Committee meeting notes and other meetings this week | Lisa Turek – Email Blast
Good afternoon!
Last night was the Lincoln Planning Committee meeting to amend the zoning ordinance to include townho...
ACCOA Special Meeting Tomorrow at Noon
Hi. I just wanted to let you know there is a special organizational meeting at the ACCOA tomorrow at noon. If you can ma...
Meeting Notes and other things | Lisa Turek – Email Blast
Good morning! I hope you had a great week and are ready for the weekend. :)
You may have read the Alcona Review about...
Meetings this week | Lisa Turek – Email Blast
Good morning!
There are a couple of meetings this week.
Rich Bray said the City of Harrisville meeting was last ni...