Tag: Michigan
Meetings this week | Lisa Turek – Email Blast
Good morning!
There are a couple of meetings this week.
Rich Bray said the City of Harrisville meeting was last ni...
Caledonia, Mikado and Harrisville Township Notes | Lisa Turek – Email Blast
Good afternoon!
Pam MacKinnon went to the Caledonia township meeting and took some notes that she forwarded to me. I ...
School Board Meeting Notes | Lisa Turek – Email Blast
Good morning! I wanted to send out the notes from the school board meeting because it was kind of interesting.
First ...
Mikado Township Special Meeting | January 12, 2023
A tip came into our site and notified us of a Special Meeting occurring on Thursday, January 12th to revisit an issue re...
Meetings this week and the Detroit News | Lisa Turek – Email Blast
Good afternoon! The school board meets this evening at 5:30 at the middle school lobby. Harrisville Township meets tomor...
Meetings on Wednesday | Lisa Turek Email Blast
Good morning and Happy New Year! There are a few meetings this week that are of note.
Wednesday is the day of all thr...
A Correction and Commissioner Meeting Minutes | Lisa Turek – Email Blast
Good afternoon! Thanks to Rosie and Brenda for another correction to my last email. There is no ACCOA meeting next week....
Research Shows ACCOA Community Hub Project Doomed From the Start?
We have come into possession of a good amount of the communiques and documentation as pertains to the ACCOA “Community...