Tag: Lisa Turek
School Board Meeting Notes | Lisa Turek – Email Blast
Good morning! I wanted to send out the notes from the school board meeting because it was kind of interesting.
First ...
Meetings this week and the Detroit News | Lisa Turek – Email Blast
Good afternoon! The school board meets this evening at 5:30 at the middle school lobby. Harrisville Township meets tomor...
Commissioner Notes and other things | Lisa Turek – Email Blast
Good morning! Happy Friday!
The commissioners met on Wednesday. They started their organizational meeting at 1:00 and...
Meetings on Wednesday | Lisa Turek Email Blast
Good morning and Happy New Year! There are a few meetings this week that are of note.
Wednesday is the day of all thr...
A Correction and Commissioner Meeting Minutes | Lisa Turek – Email Blast
Good afternoon! Thanks to Rosie and Brenda for another correction to my last email. There is no ACCOA meeting next week....
ACCOA Special Meeting | 12/06/2022
Yesterday was the Alcona County Commission on Aging's (ACCOA) Special Meeting regarding the tabled contract with the Sid...
Meetings This Week (12/5/2022) | Lisa Turek – Email Blast
Good Monday morning! I hope you had a nice weekend. There are a few meetings this week that are of note.
Tomorrow, Tu...
ACCOA November Meeting Notes | Lisa Turek – Email Blast
Happy Monday. I hope you had a really great Thanksgiving! Before I forget, below is the link to the last ACCOA meeting...