Tag: Alcona Conservatives News
Alcona County Library Board Openings
Alcona County Library Board has an opening for two terms as a Library Board Trustee; one a five-year term with term endi...
ACCOA November Meeting Notes | Lisa Turek – Email Blast
Happy Monday. I hope you had a really great Thanksgiving! Before I forget, below is the link to the last ACCOA meeting...
Meetings this Week (Thanksgiving Week) | Lisa Turek – Email Blast
Good afternoon! There is only one meeting of note this week and it is the ACCOA board meeting tomorrow, Tuesday at 10:...
Upcoming Meetings This Week | Lisa Turek – Email Blast
Good afternoon! I had to miss the school board meeting last week since they changed the date and I already had a full wo...
Felonious Assault / Shots Fired | Election Day Madness
Yesterday, as you all know, was election day. It was crazy, for everyone involved. Crazy enough, even, to have shots fir...
School Board Meeting & Other Notes | Lisa Turek – Email Blast
Good afternoon! The school board meeting has been moved from next week to this evening at 5:30pm, middle school lobby. I...
What’s been going on at the ACCOA?
What's been going on at the ACCOA?
It's a question a lot of Alcona County folks have been asking. For good reason, we f...
Meeting Minutes | Alcona County Grassroots Conservatives
The following post is to bring everyone up to speed on the happenings at the Alcona County Grassroots Conservatives grou...