Commissioner Notes and other things | Lisa Turek – Email Blast
Good morning! Happy Friday!
The commissioners met on Wednesday. They started their organizational meeting at 1:00 and...
Research Shows ACCOA Community Hub Project Doomed From the Start?
We have come into possession of a good amount of the communiques and documentation as pertains to the ACCOA “Community...
ACCOA’s ICAN Survey | Editorial
After hearing much talk of the lauded University of Michigan ICAN Survey, Jeff and I went poking around to see if we cou...
ACCOA & County Commissioner’s Board Meetings | Lisa Turek – Email Blast
Good afternoon! This is going to be a much shorter email. Jess Dobbs did a great summary of the ACCOA meeting on...
ACCOA Special Meeting | 12/06/2022
Yesterday was the Alcona County Commission on Aging's (ACCOA) Special Meeting regarding the tabled contract with the Sid...
ACCOA November Meeting Notes | Lisa Turek – Email Blast
Happy Monday. I hope you had a really great Thanksgiving! Before I forget, below is the link to the last ACCOA meeting...
Meetings this Week (Thanksgiving Week) | Lisa Turek – Email Blast
Good afternoon! There is only one meeting of note this week and it is the ACCOA board meeting tomorrow, Tuesday at 10:...
What’s been going on at the ACCOA?
What's been going on at the ACCOA?
It's a question a lot of Alcona County folks have been asking. For good reason, we f...