Mikado Township Special Meeting | January 12, 2023
A tip came into our site and notified us of a Special Meeting occurring on Thursday, January 12th to revisit an issue re...
Meetings this week and the Detroit News | Lisa Turek – Email Blast
Good afternoon! The school board meets this evening at 5:30 at the middle school lobby. Harrisville Township meets tomor...
Commissioner Notes and other things | Lisa Turek – Email Blast
Good morning! Happy Friday!
The commissioners met on Wednesday. They started their organizational meeting at 1:00 and...
Meetings on Wednesday | Lisa Turek Email Blast
Good morning and Happy New Year! There are a few meetings this week that are of note.
Wednesday is the day of all thr...
The Twitter Files Part 10: How Twitter Rigged the Covid Debate
After peering into the depraved world that consists of Big Tech and Big Government, it is time to dig even deeper into t...
A Correction and Commissioner Meeting Minutes | Lisa Turek – Email Blast
Good afternoon! Thanks to Rosie and Brenda for another correction to my last email. There is no ACCOA meeting next week....
The Twitter Files Part 6 & 7
These Twitter files drops are starting to get more and more incriminating for rogue agencies within the US government â€...
Research Shows ACCOA Community Hub Project Doomed From the Start?
We have come into possession of a good amount of the communiques and documentation as pertains to the ACCOA “Community...