Category: Opinion
Is the ACCOA Board Behind Lincoln MI Lawsuit Threats?
The special meeting called by the ACCOA board on 19 January 2023, brought to light in our opinion, just how leaderless t...
Research Shows ACCOA Community Hub Project Doomed From the Start?
We have come into possession of a good amount of the communiques and documentation as pertains to the ACCOA “Community...
Opinion: 15 Minute Cities, Creeping Totalitarianism | Terry Mudge Insights Newsletter
Good Evening All,
A 15-Minute City is a 2016 concept closely tied to Smart Cities and is being introduced to cities i...
ACCOA’s ICAN Survey | Editorial
After hearing much talk of the lauded University of Michigan ICAN Survey, Jeff and I went poking around to see if we cou...
The Great Value Reset | Terry Mudge Insights Newsletter
The Great Value Reset
Earlier this week Dan Bongino, questioned on his radio show, how a nation that introduced the wor...
Opinion: Wake Up America, You Have Been and Are Being Lied To! | Terry Mudge Insights Newsletter
Good Afternoon All,
In this newsletter we use CDC data to show the Covid-19 pandemic was most likely planned. It is t...
Opinion: The Global Assault on Humanity is Well Funded and Entrenched | Terry Mudge Insights Newsletter
Good Evening All,
The global assault on humanity is extremely well funded and entrenched. This is the subject of toda...
Opinion: The Real Problem is Systemic | Terry Mudge Insights Newsletter
Good afternoon all,
Many Americans believe the upcoming election will be the salvation of the nation. However, there ...