Author: Alcona Conservatives Staff
Opinion: 15 Minute Cities, Creeping Totalitarianism | Terry Mudge Insights Newsletter
Good Evening All,
A 15-Minute City is a 2016 concept closely tied to Smart Cities and is being introduced to cities i...
Call to County Convention | Alcona County Republicans
Hello Alcona County Republican Precinct Delegates and Republican Nominee At-Large Delegates,
At the behest of the Mic...
ACCOA & County Commissioner’s Board Meetings | Lisa Turek – Email Blast
Good afternoon! This is going to be a much shorter email. Jess Dobbs did a great summary of the ACCOA meeting on...
Meetings This Week (12/5/2022) | Lisa Turek – Email Blast
Good Monday morning! I hope you had a nice weekend. There are a few meetings this week that are of note.
Tomorrow, Tu...
The Great Value Reset | Terry Mudge Insights Newsletter
The Great Value Reset
Earlier this week Dan Bongino, questioned on his radio show, how a nation that introduced the wor...
ACCOA November Meeting Notes | Lisa Turek – Email Blast
Happy Monday. I hope you had a really great Thanksgiving! Before I forget, below is the link to the last ACCOA meeting...
Meetings this Week (Thanksgiving Week) | Lisa Turek – Email Blast
Good afternoon! There is only one meeting of note this week and it is the ACCOA board meeting tomorrow, Tuesday at 10:...
Upcoming Meetings This Week | Lisa Turek – Email Blast
Good afternoon! I had to miss the school board meeting last week since they changed the date and I already had a full wo...