How the “Uni-Party” uses emotion to get elected & why they waste your money – A lesson in establishment politics

Categories 2024 Election, Editorial, Local News, Opinion, Regional NewsPosted on

Before you dig into this article, if you feel that Michigan is in a great place due to its:

You don’t need to bother reading if you’re okay with all this.  You’ll likely only be wasting your time.

So, you’re staying?  Good. To understand where we are, we must learn to dissect the multifaceted dimensions of what we know of colloquially as “the establishment”.  In this lesson in establishment politics, we are going to utilize the recent debate between two very different types of candidates to accentuate a key conservative point.  The excessive government intervention in what should be a free market economy.

In the video clip to follow, we will have a puppet of the Globalist Uni-Party – Cam Cavitt who will be seated on the left of your screen.  And on the right, we’ll see an actual grassroots candidate – Todd Smalenberg.

In case you don’t know, these gentlemen are the two candidates for Michigan State Representative in the 106th district.  This is a deeply rural area which tends to swing really red.  However, much of the population is on the older side of the spectrum for various reasons – but it’s mostly because people retire here after they no longer need a job.  Young people do not stay because the root of the matter, is rather obviously, due to the lack of “mainstream” living wage jobs available.

There simply aren’t nearly enough jobs to support growing families aside from entrepreneurial or work from home solutions.  And more jobs are leaving by the day.

Here’s what it’s all about…

The relationship between affordable housing and good jobs will be the crux of this article.  As it not only touches on an ongoing and developing problem for our area that we have addressed here before – it also highlights the reason we need to stop voting for establishment politicians who are owned by rich oligarchs.  These oligarchs will tug on the puppet strings of their political property from the shadows via lobbyists when they need a specific vote or agenda fulfilled.

Point blank: The establishment builds their wealth on the backs of We the People by abusing a political system which we have allowed to get out of hand.  And they will use all sorts of people to feed their agenda.  In this case, they are using a real estate professional and long-time county drain commissioner to vote specifically on key items, but look “conservative” on the rest.

Follow the money.

They (the Grand Rapids elite in this case) are feeding Cavitt’s campaign thousands of dollars upon which they stand to profit millions…  Small price to pay for favorable policy to their corporate interests. See for yourself below.  Look at just how much the DeVos family (Amway owners, relatives to Blackwater founder Erik Prince, and decades long political influencers) are dumping into Cavitt and ask yourself why?  Then note the web of donors which pass around money like candy as we fight like dogs for the scraps of their ruined economic system.

You can dig deep into this.  You could note the Van Andels, how they all tie to the Gerald Ford foundation, how they’ve also roped in Jack Bergman and many other regional (and probably local) politicians throughout the state to aid in their web of political operatives and dark money.  The more you dig, the more insidious you will realize it truly is.  They literally do everything they can to ensure that your voice is diminished to a barely audible whisper.  It all starts with the funding:

Beyond the money – we must recognize their tactics to see the patterns.

I wish to point out a stark difference between a “problem solver” in Todd and a “problem pusher” in Cam. You will see that Cavitt tactfully uses emotional ploys to impart his agenda. Not overtly like Democrats but, it is still there. I mean, how could good people possibly be opposed to helping the poor, am I right?

This type of language will also afford him Democrat support.  Without which, he likely cannot win.  I mean, local Democrat figure Marie Fielder (a former State Rep candidate herself) is willing to eschew an actual democrat in Trina Borenstein in order to potentially support Cam instead? All to keep Todd out of office??

That speaks volumes.

Now, don’t sit back and trust me.  Please let me show you:

So back to the debate.  In it, there was a question which was asked to both candidates.  It was a great question because it allowed a free form answer in which the candidates could demonstrate their core problem solving ability.  Fortunately, Cam answered first.

The question was essentially: “What do you see is the biggest issue which must be addressed for your district?”

Cam Cavitt chose to outline how to use more government to placate the problem.  Adding government money to artificially stimulate economic growth almost never works.  Just like anything government tends to do.  Government waste is, in fact, why we stand upon the precipice of monetary & economic collapse. The egregious waste perpetrated by our government is directly feeding the “Bidenflation” Cam ironically calls out in his answer.

Cam’s answer is an amalgamation of all that is wrong with American and Michigan government in the 21st century.  Anyone who truly understands the principles of a free-market economy will understand that “affordable housing” is a term which is relative to the income of the resident in question.  If you’ve been following us, you will remember that the notion of adding  government subsidized & funded affordable housing in an area without any jobs will not solve a single issue. Not only  will it create more competition for the jobs, it will allow job providers to lower pay since supply/demand dictates COST, after all.  Adding economically unsustainable housing also exacerbates issues pertaining to EMS, law enforcement, schools, hospitals, and so on… Veritably creating a floodgate of more issues which begins the downward descent into total suck – which is where we almost are as a Nation.

Please pay close attention to Todd’s answer wherein he outlines the fact that government spending is the primary enemy causing inflation.  Oh, and the SB-7 mentioned by Todd which Cam voted for, literally went to funnel millions and millions of dollars into democrat agendas supporting DEI, massive government housing, and other democrat/establishment pet-projects.


Moreover, in other parts of the debate (you really should watch it all) Todd highlights how we need to be using the power of free market economic principles (aka: Laissez-faire) which removes government regulation and red-tape.  This hands off approach allows small businesses to get rolling quickly without begging for government approval. Many potential entrepreneurs give up before even getting started due to blatant and un-Constitutional overregulation… oppressive taxation necessary to feed the beast of our massively expansive government budgets… and “mandates”…  and “fees”…. and on and on and on… 

It’s all so tiring.  Let’s begin to end it now.  Take our voice back from the Grand Rapids elites. We have a golden opportunity here. By simply voting we can get rid of another puppet of the political elite’s oligarchic control on the Republican Party.  One more chip down.

Once again…

And then just one more thing…

If you think back nearly 20 years to the last housing bubble burst, you can recognize the pattern and see that we are likely going to minimally live through yet another housing bubble burst – much like we saw in 2008. Since no one can afford housing, it is only natural to expect the demise of the housing market once again. Furthermore, government investments and expenditures right this moment are provably & exponentially accelerating this.  It all is preventing lower interest rates, favorable loan terms, and prices affordable to middle to low-income home buyers.

Naturally beyond that… They will lose massive amounts more money when it happens.  That’s your children’s money that they’re literally throwing into the wind.  The snowball is at the tip of the mountain.  Once it tips, it will become an avalanche. And down comes our economy.

The way our government acts is logic defying to the extreme.

Government doesn’t need to be in the business of investment via “grants” and other oblique means of controlling and meddling with the economy. But, politicians, lobbyists, and big money campaign donors do not make their riches unless government is directly involved.

Therein lies the problem.

Vote wisely.  And, either way, be sure you DO vote on August 6, 2024!


*Edit 7/27/24 – Correct mistype of Erik Prince founding “Blackrock” correctly to “Blackwater”

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