The following quoted material is something our friend Michael Mantas shared on Facebook. It is a succinct and accurate description of the state of affairs in Michigan – and outlines recent tactics which the big money establishment political machine will go to in order to maintain their globalist stranglehold on our state. My notes & comments will be at the end with Images and any supporting documentation I could find to further build the foundation of the knowledge Mike is highlighting.
Interested in Alpena County, the 106th district, or State of Michigan politics?I posted this in the Alpena County Republican Party FB group, a group which you should participate in daily if you live here and aren’t a Marxist Democrat. Go there to read the smear post by James Hogge and Cam Cavitt to which I refer. This is a tad lengthy, but it’s stuff you need to know.Here’s what I posted:
Oh, the drama!
How much do you care about your county, your state and your Republic? Enough to get through this ornery little post?
Let’s start here…Cam Cavitt is not a member of the Michigan Freedom Caucus with the State Representatives who are, which should tell you all you need to know, but let me share a bit of what goes on under the hood.
Cam Cavitt has planned and implemented a smear campaign against his opponent, Todd Smalenberg for State Representative. It’s something to do with housing and addresses…please read Cavitt’s smear hit piece for yourself and make your decision.
Why is this important? Not just because it’s dirty underhanded and sleazy Clinton Democrat politics being practiced by Bergman and His Boys, but because Republicans, Conservatives and Patriots in Alpena County are slowly waking up to what’s really happening, and the waking up needs to happen with even greater frequency and speed. Evil is afoot, people, and it looks just like an invasive species of RINO’s crawling out of the Swamp!
The most important thing we can do as America First MAGA Republicans is learn how to tell the RINO’s from the Patriots. The RINO’s will tell you that Republicans can’t win without them. That’s a lie. The truth is that Republicans have never won with them.
That said, let’s get back to the dirty little smear campaign of Cam Cavitt. Cam is a creature of Jack Bergman, a major RINO Swamp creature of both Lansing and Washington. Cam sent James Hogge to deliver this little smear campaign they worked hard on inventing to try and hurt and destroy Todd Smalenberg’s campaign for State Representative. Cam and James work for Jack Bergman, and Jack Bergman works for, among other people, a very powerful group of politicians, political operators and dark money fundraisers run by the Yob family. (And, others… all working together… docs below.)
Follow the money. Cam is smearing Todd Smalenberg and has sent James Hogge to do it. They can do this because they get a lot of money, your money, as this actual piece of journalism from, The Hill, exposes, compared to Todd to hire people to run smear campaigns.
Two points that are worth understanding along with all the other available information should help you decide who to support, Todd Smalenberg or Cam Cavitt:
1. Cam refused to debate Todd Smalenberg, he just didn’t show up for the scheduled debate. I don’t blame him because the last time I saw him debate it was against Geyer Balog, and Cam was much like Biden against that brilliant young man who you all should have voted for (Shame on you! See what it got you? Cam voted for a Democrat Speaker of the House!).
2. In 2020 I was in a meeting as ACRP Chairman with Jack Bergman and when I spoke to the group using the term, “RINO,” Jack jumped down my throat, publicly admonishing me not to use the term, “RINO,” ever again about Republicans. Need I say more about that?
So, take a look at the smear info James Hogge is spreading like toilet paper in trees on Devil’s Night and then take a look at this real piece of journalism in, The Hill.
But the main point is that you have to know the person who’s running, know the names, and know the games. Lansing is an absolute mess under the hold of Jack Bergman and his dirty-work Boys like Cam Cavitt and James Hogge are working hard and spending a lot of your money to keep it a mess.
We’re at a greater threat from the enemy within the Republican Party than the enemy without, at this point, because the Marxist Democrat enemy without is exposed and no longer hidden and wearing masks. But the RINO swamp creatures like Bergman and His Boys, including Cavitt and Hogge, are still lurking around in the swamp muck avoiding debates and spreading smears.We need to get together and have a little briefing on RINO anatomy and invasive Swamp species identification, I think!
Mike had linked this article from the Hill outlining the vast expense that Jack Bergman expends on the dime of the American People. The most in the entire House of Representatives. Not very conservative or fiscally responsible. Bergman (and Cam) both have a very spotty voting record and need to rely on their consultant’s smear tactics and dirty politics in order to try and win over voters. Just like Democrats, they cannot stand on their record, so they attempt to stand on the proverbial throat of their opponents.
Recognize the pattern of corruption by following the money!
First, I would like to establish the pattern folks need to recognize. The pattern of BIG money buying politicians throughout the state of Michigan. To show you how bad things are in Michigan – below is the first page of Cam Cavitt’s Transparency USA report. This report is pulled directly from state data disclosing who is giving money to respective candidates and political organizations. You can see the full report here.
Then… Watch how they spend it.
We have a globalist problem here in the 106.
We find ourselves with a globalist problem here in the 106. You see, Yob has his underling Tony Lis handling Bergman – managing the Jack Bergman office & campaign ostensibly for Yob. And just below Lis are people like James Hogge from Otsego doing dirty work on the digital battleground. Then on the literal “ground level” they have their their pocket blogger Brandon Hall – who has been doing the bidding of his masters on behalf of Bergman since at least 2016.

A familiar playbook with the same players.
Here’s a piece from the Detroit News showing that the Yob cartel has been operating like this for some time. One play in their playbook is the utilizing their own manufactured “news”. They accomplish this by both buying media outlets and fabricating “grassroots” outlets to take advantage of the fact that fewer people than ever trust the corporate media. An effective two prong attack. It is clearly a big part of their playbook to create journalists and podcasters to help them control the media narrative. And they show clearly that they will go to any length to smear their opposition and keep their political stranglehold over what is left of Michigan.
Here are a few examples of this operation at work on the Facebook social media platform as it relates to the 1st Congressional District (Jack Bergman) and Cam Cavitt – both with their “impartial” journalist and serial tresspasser Brandon Hall.
It is no coincidence that these four are all acquainted with the boss who is the key manager for Representative Jack Bergman. They clearly are threatened by the grassroots pushback so, latest target is candidate for the 106, Todd Smalenberg. This isn’t even the first attack on Todd. He sent us the following statement:
“Two months ago James Hogge, Tony Lis and Michael Astoria tried to say I have PTSD and beat my wife and I am hiding police records. I have a TS/SCI clearance and held concealed carry in four states I lived in, you can’t have either if you have domestic assault. These lies show how desperate they are. They think they select who will be our representatives instead of the people. They are small men who only care about power and money, don’t believe their lies look at their actions. Follow the money.”
-Todd Smalenberg
And don’t believe for a second that these people believe in America First principles. They are unequivocally hopping on the narrative publicly while carefully ensuring that the money train keeps flowing on a federal and state level.