Michigan Taxpayers To Finance CCP Controlled Plant

Categories Editorial, State News, WorldPosted on

If the corrupt FBI & other corrupt federal agencies are saying inviting the CCP into our neighborhoods is a bad idea….

I think it’s safe to say that it’s a terrible idea.

Yet here we are.  Watching our Globalist Owned Governor “Wuhan Whitmer” selling us out to the tune of nearly a BILLION dollars.  OUR money, by the way… Going directly into the pockets of the Chinese Communist Party via Gotion High-Tech Co. LTD.

You would think that a foreign company with a desire to do business in the USA, would respect our laws and our Constitution.  But, it seems that their Articles are interested only in the furtherance of their own Communist goals.

In contravention to the US Constitution and our own ideals…  They will openly push and promote the CCP’s constitution and carry out their party activities, right here in Michigan (again, on our dime).

Of particular interest, Article 9, is below:

“Article 9 – The Company shall set up a Party organization and carry out Party activities in accordance with the Constitution of the Communist Party of China. The Company shall ensure necessary conditions for carrying out Party activities. The secretary of the Party committee shall be the chairman.”

Full Document: Gotion High-Tech Co Articles of Association

This is all being done, to further one of the prominent Globalist agendas under of the façade of “green energy”.  An agenda which is being revealed more and more every day, is orders of magnitude more damaging to our environment than traditional fossil fuels.  Not to mention, they’re simply not effective…  But, their ineffectiveness would only inconvenience We the People – so that doesn’t matter to our Globalist “rulers”.

The people say NO!

There was a protest last night, and it was great to see that 500 Patriots managed to gather together in an effort to proudly stand in solidarity against this disaster.  Good to see some notable MIGOP faces there as well.

Patriots protest against CCP “battery plant” on 4/5/23. Good to see MIGOP leadership and other notable activists mixing in with the people! This is what we need.  Images provided by our friend, Randy Guppy.

Important to note: there will be a RALLY on 22 April 2023 from 1-5pm at the Majestic Friesians Horse Farm on 21750 19 Mile Rd in Big Rapids.  Check out their Social Media for more information on this topic.  They have been quite vocal, and are local to the issue.  If you’re not keen on Facebook (we understand), here’s their website.  You can likely contact them for more information on this event.

There are good ideas for alternatives to this invitation to disaster.  American solutions.  Here is a great alternative as presented by Ryan D. Kelley (who should be our Governor).

Whatever you may do… It is critical that we speak out.  Let your State Representatives KNOW how you feel about this malfeasance!

In Liberty,