Preface: These are my personal notes from the nearly six hour long meeting that took place on January 24, 2023. These are not official minutes, and should not be handled nor seen in that way. I am simply a concerned citizen, turned journalist, and am sharing these notes of mine in that capacity. I have also included embedded the video of the full meeting, as was recorded by my husband, for transparency and accuracy. Thank you, Jess.
Meeting called to order at 10:03am.
Approval of Meeting Agenda
Motion to approve the agenda by Pam. (I didn’t hear Jacquelyn second this, but after some discussion, it was stated that Jacquelyn did second this motion. I suggest watching the video for accuracy here.)
Apparently there are two agendas. One with blue text and one with red text. But, the following roll call vote was for the one presented by Will St. John. (See the scanned agenda below the vote.)
Roll Call Vote:
- Will St. John – Yes
- Stan Wojnar – No
- Rolland Lynch – No
- Jacquelyn Schwanz – Yes
- Pamela Ashford – Yes
- Robert Turek – No
- Leroy Perrin – No
- Delores Schlicker – No
The motion did not pass.
Will, acting as the sitting President (Mike Maturen is unfortunately in the hospital), then asks what to do now. Leroy presents his own agenda for the Board’s consideration.
Bob Turek motions to accept the agenda that Leroy presented. Delores seconds the motion.
Roll call vote on Secondary Agenda (see scanned agenda below the vote.)
- Will St. John – No
- Stan Wojnar – Yes
- Rolland Lynch – Yes
- Jacquelyn Schwanz – No
- Pamela Ashford – No
- Robert Turek – Yes
- Leroy Perrin – Yes
- Delores Schlicker – Yes
The motion passes, and this is the agenda that will be used going forward.
Approval of Meeting Minutes & Special Meeting Minutes
November 22, 2022 Minutes Approval
Turek with some changes to the minutes:
- Page 2, 6 lines down, Dr. Turek is misquoted in the minutes.
- He would also like the video link included in the minutes for accuracy.
Jacquelyn motions to approve the amended minutes. Dr. Turek seconds the motion. No roll call vote called, so done via voice. The “aye’s” have it and the minutes are approved.
December 6, 2022 Special Meeting Minutes Approval
Dr. Turek asks for the minutes to reflect and name the roll call votes and how the votes were cast.
- Last page, Dr. Turek is misquoted again.
- Another request to list the video link for accuracy.
Jacquelyn motions to approve the amended minutes. Rolland seconds the motion. No roll call vote called, so done via voice. The “aye’s” have it and the minutes are approved.
Auditor Report – Cindy Scott
Cindy Scott with Stephenson & Company doing a presentation about the audit the ACCOA just underwent. (I didn’t take many notes here, due to the presentation being on the video from the ACCOA itself. Granted, I had no idea that most of the board would quit and their zoom video would not be posted onto YouTube. So, please watch the video here to hear at least, what she had to say about the audit of the ACCOA.)
One thing I noted during this presentation was that $73,000 (roughly) has been paid to Sidock so far, and $15,000 (roughly) has been paid to Larry Molnar. These statements here contradict the Executive Director’s statement that those working at Sidock, are doing so for free.
Cindy asked for better meeting minutes and gave some tips to Pam on that front. Dr. Turek asked if they could do something between the audit they just did, and a forensic review too. She said if they reached out, that they could do something in between the two, yes.
Direct Perrin’s Presentation on New Senior Center
His presentation was supposed to happen after the public comment, but Jacquelyn asked that it be made before the Public Comment section, in order to allow the public the ability to comment on the presentation. Will St. John approved this move, and so, here we are.
Director Perrin said that the Multi-family Town-homes do not need to be built. That they can get the “housing” stipulation of the grant out of the way, by building the senior villas only. This will also maintain the 501(c)3 status with the IRS.
He contacted Crawford County and asked for their plans and designs to help the Alcona project going forward. He also wants to keep the project within the $12.5 million budget. He would like to keep as many of the trees as possible on the land, to keep Lincoln looking like Lincoln. He invites everyone to come up and look at the plans he has after the meeting.
Perrin felt that the Lincoln Food Pantry could have a little more priority in the building plans, and would like to see the kitchen be above the garage for the delivery of the meals on wheels.
Director Perrin has over 50 years of experience in the construction/building industry. And he would love to become the liaison between the ACCOA and any of the project contractors going forward.
Delores motions to appoint Leroy as the lead liaison between the ACCOA and Sidock group and any others who are working with the ACCOA on the project. Also to make Leroy the Chair of the New Building Subcommittee. Dr. Turek seconded the motion. (My notes for this motion are incomplete. Please refer to the video for full motion scope and whether or not it was approved.)
Public Comment
(My side note: Names were hard to hear during this portion of the meeting. I apologize if I missed your name partially or entirely, or if I spelled it wrong or anything like that. Remember, I too, am a human and I am not perfect.)
Rick: Thanks Director Perrin for his courage.
Joe: He’s the chair of the Alcona Democratic Party. Brought up some politics but is in support of the Community Hub project.
??? Scully? (Hard to hear the names at this meeting): Wonders what happens to this building when the project is complete. How much to renovate this building instead of building a new one.
Pam MacKinnon: Thankful for the microphones. Would like to see the flag moved out from behind the mirrors, to see it better. Asks them to not trim the quality of the food/meals that is being served.
Ellen Fritz: Wonders what constitutes a “senior” for the ACCOA. Has four kids, comes to dance classes.
Margie: Supports the Community Hub project. Gave the board signed statements from a website which showed support for the project.
Karen Johnson: She has been watching the meetings on the internet. She supports the senior center.
??? (Never caught the name here.): Terrified about the grant, and that the ACCOA might have to match the grant amount. She’s worried about the community having to pay it back.
Willford Weber: Wants the board to get along. Happy they got the grant.
Stanza of Spruce: Commented on how hard it was to find senior housing in Oakland county. Commended Dr. Turek on his research. Commended Perrin on his knowledge in regards to building. Commended Avery for writing the grant.
Judy French: We need a new building. Find out verbiage of the grant to see if there are any strings attached. Back in October of 2022, the grievance committee was formed about a grievance against Mr. Avery.
Ty Damon: Requests a recess because the meeting has been a long one already.
Gary Wnuk: Feels the board has lost it’s focus, which should be the Seniors of Alcona County.
Phil Potter: Feels there is a separation in the board.
Dave Bluchick: His concern is the grant itself, and wonders if any strings are attached. Wonders if the Senior Center project is a form of money laundering.
Jessica Dobbs: I read aloud most of the questions from my Letter to the Editor to the Alcona Review that was published on January 18, 2023.
Recess (From 12:15pm until 12:23pm)
Paul Tom: In favor of the project. Disappointed in the board.
Gerri: Leroy didn’t say to not spend the money, but to spend it smarter. The contractor was picked with no bid. 100’s of thousands of dollars already spent. The Senior Center should not be a Housing Project.
Dana Ramas: Watched the YouTube videos. Wonders how legit a survey can be using QR codes, considering most seniors don’t know what a QR code is.
Someone from Gustin: Asked how big the current senior center building is. Mr. Avery responds that it is roughly 9,000 sq. ft., including the attic.
Sharon Hames: Demanded more transparency from the ACCOA.
Jeff Daniels: Is there more funding? The ACCOA doesn’t have enough money! Someone in the audience answered, telling him that Mr. Avery will apply for more grants.
Karen: We need a senior center. There is too much back and forth.
John of Gustin: Senior center is wanted. We deserve transparency. Mentioned threats from the board. What if members of the board, have positions on multiple boards together? Does that mean there’s a conflict of interest?
Committee Assignments/Appointments
Delores starts to mention the special meeting that took place last Thursday (January 19, 2023), but was asked to wait until the final board comments section of the agenda to state what she had to say.
Delores motions for Dr. Turek to be placed onto the Finance Committee. Leroy seconds the motion. At this point, Dr. Turek would like to have discussion on the motion. Someone mentions that the motion is moot because of the Bylaws. Jacquelyn thinks it should go to the Policies & Procedures Committee. There was discussion about there being 4 members on the committee, unless someone steps down.
Stan mentions that he would like to step down from the Finance Committee. Delores amends her motion to include Stan stepping down from the Finance Committee. A roll call vote was taken:
- Will St. John – Yes
- Stan Wojnar – Yes
- Rolland Lynch – Yes
- Leroy Perrin – Yes
- Delores Schlicker – Yes
- Robert Turek – Yes
- Jacquelyn Schwanz – Yes
- Pamela Ashford – No
The motion passes.
$10,000 Spending Limit
The Executive Director currently has a $10,000 spending limit without board approval. Leroy motions to rescind this limit, and instead make the limit $200. Dr. Turek seconds the motion. A roll call vote was taken:
- Will St. John – Yes
- Stan Wojnar – Yes
- Rolland Lynch – Yes
- Jacquelyn Schwanz – ??? (I couldn’t hear her.)
- Robert Turek – Yes
- Delores Schlicker – Yes
- Leroy Perrin – Yes
- Pamela Ashford – ??? (I couldn’t hear her vote either.)
The motion passes.
Attorney Contact Policy
There is currently no policy requiring the Executive Director to get approval for legal help from the ACCOA’s lawyer. Discussion, and no motion. They would like this to go forward to committee. Dr. Turek motions that until the Policies & Procedures Committee recommends an appropriate policy, that the Executive Director cannot use the ACCOA lawyer without board approval from at least 2 board members. Delores seconds this motion. The motion passes. (No roll call vote here.)
Position of Liaison with Architect
Will St. John motions to appoint Leroy as the Chair of the New Building Committee and liaison for the new building project. Delores seconds. Motion passes. (No roll call vote here.)
Contract Changes Policy
Only the President can sign documents/contracts. Not the Executive Director. If the President is not available, then the Vice President takes this task over.
Credit Card Policy Revision
There are several issued credit cards, and they don’t know if the board issued them, or if they were issued by someone else. They discussed that they feel the credit cards shouldn’t be simply sitting in someone’s wallet. Perhaps instead, have a system in order to check the credit card(s) in and out like a library system? The Executive Director is unsure of how many credit cards are out within the employees. The credit cards do have limits on them.
Dr. Turek suggests that perhaps a motion should be made to temporarily remove the extra credit cards until a policy can be recommended and approved from the Policies & Procedures Committee and board. People thought he actually made a motion, and so he withdrew his suggested motion.
Audio & Video Surveillance Equipment
Leroy motions to remove all audio and video surveillance equipment from within the senior center, excluding the entryways and the exterior of the center. He doesn’t want them simply turned off, but actually removed. Dr. Turek seconds this motion. A roll call vote was taken:
- Will St. John – No
- Stan Wojnar – Yes
- Rolland Lynch – Yes
- Jacquelyn Schwanz – No
- Robert Turek – Yes
- Leroy Perrin – Yes
- Delores Schlicker – Yes
- Pamela Ashford – Yes
The motion passes.
Examine Internal Control
Dr. Turek motions that the board get a quote from Stephenson & Company to do an Internal Control audit. Leroy seconds the motion. The motion passed. (No roll call vote here.)
Committee Reports
Personnel Committee (met on January 10, 2023)
They met and discussed the annual review of the Executive Director, the job description for the position of Executive Director, and updating that description if necessary. Will presented two different review methods in that meeting, and would like to have a rough draft of the preferred method by the next meeting.
Nominating Committee Minutes
This report was withdrawn by Will St. John.
New Building Committee
They noted that they liked the scenery parts of the plans. Jacquelyn motions to accept the December contract. Will seconds this motion. Dr. Turek and Leroy both argue that that particular contract needs to be looked at again and that a new contract will likely need to be drawn up.
Jacquelyn withdraws her motion, and then motions for Leroy and Sidock to get a new contract put together and given to the board to look at. Will seconds the motion. During discussion, Mr. Avery asks who has even read the contract from December. Only a few board members have done so. So then he goes on a 10 minute monologue here.
Jacquelyn rescinds her motion, so she can motion to accept and amend the contract to fit the $12.5 million budget and to get new drawings. Pam seconds. During discussion, Dr. Turek wonders why there are no second opinions anywhere to consider. He brought up the Shaw Report and told the board/audience that 5 board members from the previous board had not been apprised of the Shaw Report. Fire Suppression isn’t even included in the current contract under consideration from December. He wonders if maybe a special meeting is needed? A roll call vote was taken:
- Will St. John – Yes
- Stan Wojnar – No
- Rolland Lynch – Yes
- Jacquelyn Schwanz – Yes
- Pamela Ashford – Yes
- Robert Turek – No
- Leroy Perrin – No
- Delores Schlicker – No
The motion does not pass due to no way to break the tied vote.
Jacquelyn motions to have Leroy get a new contract for the budget of 12.5 million, and for it to be reviewed and ready to be voted on to be signed by the February meeting. Will seconds this motion. A roll call vote was taken:
- Will St. John – Yes
- Stan Wojnar – Yes
- Rolland Lynch – Yes
- Jacquelyn Schwanz – Yes
- Pamela Ashford – Yes
- Robert Turek – Yes
- Leroy Perrin – Yes
- Delores Schlicker – Yes
The motion passes.
Recess (from 2:33pm – 2:44pm)
Personnel Matter (Closed Session if requested by the Executive Director)
Before they started to discuss the personnel matter, Will read aloud the resignation letter of the President of the ACCOA Board of Directors, Mike Maturen. Jacquelyn moves to accept his resignation. Leroy seconds. Motion passes. (No roll call vote here.)
Then, Will reads aloud the resignation letter of Pamela Ashford. Her letter states that the date it will be effective is February 10, 2023. Jacquelyn moves to accept her resignation. Dr. Turek or Leroy (I think they both said “second” here) seconds the motion. Motion passes. (No roll call vote here.)
Will St. John then says that he feels the next point on the agenda is a personal attack, and therefore, he resigns from the board. He then walks out with the Secretary, Pam Ashford. (Even though she is supposed to stay on as Secretary until February 10, 2023. A potential dereliction of duty?) Rolland to be acting or sitting President of the board for the remainder of the meeting.
Now, the Personnel Matter commences. Mr. Avery, the Executive Director, refuses a closed session. He insists on it being all held in an open meeting. Delores mentions the special meeting from the previous Thursday, and then has Dr. Turek read aloud the letter from her lawyer, that is addressed to Mr. Avery as the Executive Director. After which, a copy of that letter was presented to Mr. Avery.
Jacquelyn apologized on behalf of the grievance committee, as it was their first time handling such a case. She then gave everything over to Rolland, while giving copies of the grievances to each board member to look over. Rolland mentioned some of the costs it would be to send the matter off to Recon Management as a third party. Rolland also recuses himself from the grievances against Dr. Turek and Delores after this meeting, and going forward.
Dr. Turek motions to start marketing the open Board positions. Leroy seconds. Motion passes. (No roll call vote here.)
Now the discussion starts to happen in regards to Mr. Avery. Dr. Turek mentions the video we released on, that shows the Village of Lincoln Planning Commission is accusing Mr. Avery of threatening them with lawsuits, should they not vote to add the new verbiage to the B-1 District inside of Lincoln.
Dr. Turek also mentions how the Executive Director withheld the Shaw Report from the majority of the Board of Directors of ACCOA in 2021. (5 had never seen it before we released it on our website.)
There have been complaints made that stated that Mr. Avery does not routinely work 40 hours a week, as he should be. There is a USDA complaint against the ACCOA due to the treatment against a senior of Alcona County. There also have been lawsuits against the ACCOA due to Mr. Avery’s supposed handling of firing employees in the past.
As such, they would like to ask Mr. Avery to submit his resignation as Executive Director. Mr. Avery declines to resign. Dr. Turek then motions to place Lenny Avery on unpaid administrative leave until legal advice can be issued to the Board of Directors of the ACCOA. Delores seconds. A roll call vote was taken:
- Stan Wojnar – Yes
- Leroy Perrin – Yes
- Jacquelyn Schwanz – No
- Delores Schlicker – Yes
- Robert Turek – Yes
- Rolland Lynch – Yes
The motion passes.
At this time, Jacquelyn submits her letter of resignation to Rolland, and leaves the meeting.
Dr. Turek motions to accept and appoint members to the board to fill the vacancies. Delores seconds. During discussion, a member in the audience tells them they must post the openings 3 weeks in a row in order to be compliant with the law. (The Bylaws of ACCOA state differently. The board can appoint members to the board by a majority action, if I recall correctly.) However, the motion and second is withdrawn at this time.
Public Comment
Note: These were even harder to hear than the first round, due to lots of chatter and people moving about and leaving the meeting.
???: States that they hope the board is proud of what they’ve accomplished today.
Someone from Spruce: Recommends the board get legal advice.
Ty Damon: Insists they refer to their Bylaws in all matters.
Judy French: You still have to vote and accept the resignations of Will & Jacquelyn.
Leroy motions to accept the resignation of Will. The motion is seconded, but I could not hear by whom. The motion passes. (No roll call vote here.) Leroy motions to accept the resignation of Jacquelyn. Delores seconds. The motion passes. (No roll call vote here.) Then, it’s back to Public Comment.
???: Strongly suggests the board buy and study Robert’s Rules of Order.
Patty Thomas: Board was very unprofessional today.
Judy MacNeil: Feels the board is politically charged and is ashamed of them.
Pam McKinnon: We knew Pam Ashford was going to resign. We didn’t know about the other resignations that came about during this meeting. The staff is leaving because Lenny is leaving, and they’re not staying around for the seniors.
Leroy motions to adjourn the meeting. Dr. Turek seconds. The motion passes. (No roll call vote here.)
Meeting is adjourned at 4:04pm.
Thank you for reading my notes. Please remember, these are not verbatim, nor are these official minutes. You should watch the video yourself for accuracy and direct quotes.
Jess Dobbs
Thank you very much. You make it way easier to keep up with these local issues. This ACCCOA reeks of corruption. I’m glad to see some taken to the woodshed over this. We need a new senior center, but it has to be done right.
Thanks so much for this retelling of the important moments of the 6 hour meeting. Sadly, it is now evident that the board was being pushed into directions that many of them didn’t want to go. It’s a shame that there were so many resignations at this meeting but the real work is yet to come. And if they are not willing to do the work, they can go quietly.