Meetings This Week (12/5/2022) | Lisa Turek – Email Blast

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Good Monday morning! I hope you had a nice weekend. There are a few meetings this week that are of note.

Tomorrow, Tuesday, the ACCOA board meets at 10:00am. This meeting is open to the public and is a special meeting that was voted on to discuss the contract the ACCOA has with Sidock Group (architect) for the housing project. There are several concerns about this contract that will be brought up. If you are able to attend, it would be a great time to see what the ACCOA is doing with this project. Please consider doing so.

Wednesday the commissioners meet at 1:30pm, lower level of the county building. And in the evening, the Tavern meeting is at 6:00 and will be at the Old Place Inn downtown Harrisville.

And that is it for the week. I see all over the country people are speaking up about the injustices in our court system, the corruption in our government agencies, the indoctrination of our children in schools and the medical malpractice with covid treatment and vaccines. And they are filing lawsuits for election fraud and the non-release of public documents. I read a scary article about an international vaccine passport, digital identity, a social credit system and a central bank digital currency forming a digital control system. Facial recognition will be an essential part of this control structure. By the end of 2022, there will be 1 billion data collecting surveillance cameras in the world, all connected to the internet and artificial intelligence. The US actually has the most surveillance cameras per capita, China is second place and the UK third. The article also goes on to talk about smart cities and geofencing with LED light poles that can detect if you’ve been vaccinated or carry a weapon. I don’t want to go down a doomsday rabbit hole but I also don’t want to stick my head in the sand about what may be coming….even though that seems like a better plan. πŸ™‚ There is so much to be aware of…it’s enough to make my head spin. I know that I can’t do anything about Washington DC (is anyone even there?) or Lansing, but we can sure do something on our local level. Thanks to all of you who can, and do. Our country needs you.

Take care!


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