School Board Meeting & Other Notes | Lisa Turek – Email Blast

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Good afternoon! The school board meeting has been moved from next week to this evening at 5:30pm, middle school lobby. I did confirm this with Dan since I heard school was closed today due to a power outage.

The county commissioners met last Wednesday and it was a pretty short meeting. Adam Brege was absent so Dan Gauthier ran the meeting. There was no public comment and no presentations. The board approved removing a line from the job description of the budget coordinator….something to do with separating the duties from any other county duties. They also approved the budget coordinator and assistant budget coordinator positions through 2023. A representative from 44North was on zoom to answer insurance questions. The board approved staying with the current plan on HSA and HMO. Open enrollment for the county employees starts Nov. 14th. Claims were paid in the amount of $411,627.83 for the period 10/19 – 11/01. The board approved writing a letter for Adam to sign in support of the Harrisville Depot restoration. Finance report – 10 funds need to be completed for the budgets. Special meeting items were completed. Probate public guardian and ARA site want fund increases. Personnel report – would be going into closed session after the regular meeting. Treasurer report – the county received approximately $204,000.00 for a revenue sharing grant. The EMS director completed an Ambulance Rural Leadership course. The underground storage costs just over $800. (I’m not sure if that’s per month or per year) The EDC project for a fishing pier is now on hold. The $49,500.00 bill for broadband will be coming due monthly. There is $235 million in the state of Michigan budget for broadband. Dan said things are moving forward in the county, after his meeting with PIE&G and Consumer’s. There was a US Forestry meeting regarding the MSU extension building. The roof and door need to be repaired to the tune of $15,000.00. Bill was going to take this to the ARPA committee to see if it qualifies under the loss fund section. Road commission and Library had nothing new. The ACCOA 2023 contract was at Tom Weichel’s office. There was no public comment the second time. Meeting adjourned.

Have a great week! Thank you for all your well wishes on the election tomorrow. If you are working, thanks for getting involved in our election process. If you are running, thanks for stepping up. And if you’ve recently been elected, congratulations!! There are more and more of us paying attention and getting involved….it’s a great thing!!

Your fellow patriot,


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